Airborne Dance Presents

Airborne Dance Presents our Spring Recital in June and our Winter Showcase in December.

Spring Recital: May 31st & June 1st, 2025

Airborne’s Dance Recital is held the first weekend in June, we have varying themes every year to keep it fresh and fun for all involved! Students are automatically enrolled into the recital, those who can’t make it must opt-out by January 18th. Airborne hosts between 3-5 shows, allowing for a comfortable time length and variety of performances for our audience. Tickets are sold both in person and online. Be sure not to miss this fantastic event!

Important Dates

Recital Information Available – Monday, December 2nd

Recital Final Opt-Out Date – Saturday, January 18th

Enrollment for Recital Classes Closes – Saturday, January 25th

Recital and Costume Fees Due – Saturday, January 25th

Recital Picture Day – Friday, May 30th at Vance Brand Auditorium

Theater Dress Rehearsal – Friday, May 30th at Vance Brand Auditorium

Recital Days – May 31st & June 1st at Vance Brand Auditorium

Winter Showcase

Join us for a fun dance concert celebrating the holiday season! This annual performance is a fun-filled family special with both Christmas favorites and up-coming competition pieces. To participate in the Winter Showcase, there will be a fee of $65 per student as well as a costume fee per class. These fees will be due at the time of registration. Registration is open through October 10th. Our Winter Showcase will be on December 14th.

Important Dates

Showcase Enrollment – All dance students will automatically be opted into Winter Showcase and fees charged on 10/15/24.

Showcase Dress Rehearsal – Saturday, December 7th – Friday, December 13th in class

Showcase Day – Saturday, December 14th at Niwot High School Auditorium, Showtimes: TBA. Check the showtime information link below for specifics.

The Details

Who: All Airborne dance students
What: A fun dance concert showcasing our students’ hard work and celebrating the holiday season!
Where: Niwot High School Auditorium
When: Dress Rehearsal ~ In class the week of Saturday, December 7th – Friday, December 13th
Shows: ~ Saturday, December 14th: TBA.                                              Cost: $10.00/person. Tickets available at Airborne’s desk through Friday, Dec 13th and will be available at the door on show day.  Cash only on show day.


We like to keep our Winter Showcase costumes simple and easy for families! Each dance will have a small costume fee for teachers to order costume pieces (things like matching skirts, accessories, matching shirts etc.). Along with this, students may be asked to wear items following the dress code for each class and/or items brought from home. Ex. Jr. Ballet 3 classes may wear their own pink tights, black leotard, and ballet shoes + a red ballet skirt and matching headpiece that Airborne provides. To make this process as easy as possible, please make sure you are following the Airborne Class Dress Codes for all classes.

If the costume requires a part of Airborne Dance’s studio dress code and your dancer has not purchased it yet, we may ask you to do so. Other than that, we will do our best to work with what you have at home already!

Hair and Make-up

Teachers will be asking parents to come in closer to the show to go over costumes and hairstyles. Make-up should be kept pretty simple. Light stage makeup is preferred.


All dance students will be automatically opted into the Winter Showcase, however, participation is optional for all recreational students. If students choose not to participate, you will need to opt-out prior to October 10th through our office. Students who choose to opt-out will still learn the choreography and practice performing in class with their peers. *Select classes of the same style and age group may be combined based on enrollment numbers. Certain specialty classes will not perform, as they are based mainly on technical growth over performance. The deadline to opt-out is October 10th.

Fees and Payments

There will be a $65.00 participation fee for each performing student as well as a $30.00 costume fee per dance. The participation fee also includes 2 complimentary tickets. Additional tickets will be available for purchase at Airborne for $10.00 per ticket.

Example: 1 Dance, Jr. Ballet 1 = $65.00 + $30.00 = $95.00 total
Example: 2 Dances, Jr Ballet 1 & Jr. Tap 1 = $65.00 + $30.00 + $30.00= $125.00 total


Each dancer will receive 2 complimentary tickets. Additional tickets will be available for purchase at Airborne for $10.00 per ticket.


Attendance is required for both Dress Rehearsal and the Show. Please make sure you can attend both days. Class attendance is also important as teachers begin to teach choreography. The more your dancer is present in class the more confident they will feel on stage!